Are you looking for an economical solution to insulate existing exterior walls, rim joists, attic joists, or open framing cavities? Blown-in fiberglass insulation is a cost-effective and energy-efficient insulating solution for existing homes. Thanks to the lightweight and dense materials, blown-in insulation can be installed behind existing walls and framing cavities with netting attached to fill voids in an already-finished home. Blown-in fiberglass insulation also boasts a similar R-value to fiberglass batts when properly installed over a small area. When installed to the recommended specifications and thickness, blown-in fiberglass gives homes a custom-designed, thermally efficient, and sound-reducing layer that completely fills voids, including irregular cavities. Naturally non-combustible and resistant to mold, blown-in fiberglass is a safe and effective product that lasts upwards of 100 years. Best of all, blown-in fiberglass insulation does not settle over time, so the installed R-value will remain consistent over the lifetime of your home.

Complete Energy Performance for the life of the home

How Is Blown-In Fiberglass Manufactured?

Blown-in fiberglass consists of tiny glass particles heated to a liquid and then spun into tight, thin fibers. The most typical installation is in an attic floor, as well as drilling a hole in your existing wall through the stud, similar to injection foam or blown-in cellulose insulation

Once installed, the loose fibers are easily spread across an open cavity, filling any loose spaces behind your exterior wall. However, thanks to its tight composition, fiberglass won’t settle over time or diminish its R-value. 

Loose fiberglass typically comprises an R-value of 2.5 per inch and achieves an R-value of 19 over a ~100-square-foot region. In turn, blown-in fiberglass will significantly reduce your heating bills and provide a more comfortable home. As a bonus, blown-in fiberglass is also naturally sound-resistant and non-combustible. 

The Longest Lasting Blown-In Insulating Product

By most accounts, blown-in fiberglass lasts upwards of 80 to 100 years. If you’re looking for a long-lasting and economical solution to your heating bills, contact the experts at EnergySmart about blown-in fiberglass insulation.